Literary Interpretation II: Theory and Criticism (Literature)
Niveau BA2
EC 5
Cathelein Aaftink (Universiteit Utrecht)
November 2023 – February 2024
(8 weeks)
The goals of the course include: interpreting literary short stories using different theoretical and critical tools;
prompting careful consideration and assessment of secondary articles and academic interpretations; and writing a paper and giving an oral presentation in academic English that proposes an interpretation of a literary text, using theoretical concepts and critical sources effectively.
Korte beschrijving inhoud
This module continues the work begun in “Literary Interpretation I” pertaining to the art and practice of interpreting literary texts. The current course introduces the theoretical and critical side of studying English literature. Whereas in the first course, we practiced with close reading and narratological and poetic analysis, this module teaches students how to further develop their interpretations of literary texts by means of 1. theory and. 2. interpretive ideas discussed in secondary articles. Students learn how to work in different theoretical traditions; apply theoretical concepts in order to deepen their understandings of (aspects of) literary texts; and construct a framework that constitutes the theoretical foundation of an academic research paper. Students receive written and oral feedback throughout the course.
Werkvormen (blended opzet)
Flip-the-classroom; self-study; instruction; discussions; writing assignments; presentation.
Dag waarop face-to-face bijeenkomsten plaatsvinden
Is determined in consultation with the students, but most likely on Friday afternoons.
Writing assignments (25%); presentation (25%); essay (50%).
Mays, Kelly J. The Norton Introduction to Literature. Shorter 13th or 14th Ed.